
This blog has been created to use as an engaging teaching tool to help develop the level of students narrative writing.  The students who helped create the blog and bring it to life attend Aveley Primary School in Perth Western Australia.  The project follows the six quick impact lessons developed by Ros Wilson, the founder of ‘Big Writing‘.  Each of the pages, on the blog, will hopefully provide resources and stimuli for the students to use and enjoy.  The site works in conjunction with the six quick impact lessons delivered during face to face contact time.  Further details of these can be found on the teacher materials page.  In addition there are a number of resources and materials that can be purchased through Andrell Education.
I hope you enjoy reading the blog and the work of the students.  We welcome all positive and constructive comments as this would allow the students to realise they are writing to an audience.  The resources is available to any one who so wishes to use it.  It would be fantastic if we could see children from other parts of the world contributing to the various activities and writing threads.  If you would like any additional information please don’t hesitate to contact the author.

For Children

On some of the pages in this website you will find a series of writing activities.  Using the comment box share with us your writing skills.  remember to put your first name and how old you are.  There are also some pages that will give you ideas and information about VCOP.

For Parents

Please look through the writing that has been published.  Feel free to make any positive comments about the work.  We are trying to develop an audience for our writers so the more people that view/comment the better.

For Educators

One comment on “About

  1. I am LOVING this blog. It is so exciting seeing all your amazing work. I like how teachers and fellow students are supporting each other and offering constructive criticism and suggestions on how you can improve your writing.

    Was that sentence too long? Perhaps you could offer me some constructive criticism! 😉

    I also wanted to say that I want to see more of “Allie” (age 10)’s writing! 😉 Did I embarrass you? Write me some more entries to read already!!! Love you C. xxxooo 😉

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